A boat full of refugees appears far in the distance. Ahead lies an unknown and dangerous journey.
The sound of waves crashes against the cliffs on shore. At night, in the darkness, tens of little flashlights blink on the other side of the ocean. People are waiting for their turn to cross the Aegean. The waves are big and dangerous, but it’s still easier to cross than to stay in one's home.
The sea shows no mercy, and in a single day, dozens of boats can capsize. The year 2015 was the deadliest for refugees coming to Europe.
This is a massive immigration movement in the history of our world, with millions of people fleeing the places they once called home—now known as battlefields.
Cemeteries are filling up with anonymous graves: Afghan No. 1, Afghan No. 16, Syrian No. 3.
Many never make it ashore, and that’s just the entrance to limbo. Fleeing Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran, they seek new hope in Europe, where some locals don’t want them to come.